My previous dog, a laconic and good-natured collie lab cross called Digger, had been a rescue dog. I had loved him so much that when he died I was sure I’d never have another one and I certainly never would have believed I’d take on a puppy but little Coire (Gaelic spelling for Corrie) took us completely by surprise. We discovered how quickly and intensely love can grow for a thing that pees all over your floor, eats all your shoes and means you can’t walk for more than 20 minutes at a time. Ultimately, for optimum harmony, a dog needs to fit with a families lifestyle and her traits must be compatible with her owners personalities. Fortunately for Coire, the home she has landed in is occupied by a couple who’s insatiable appetite for physical exercise matches her own. Coire’s fascination with muddy puddles and eating slippers is not shared by Alice and I but fortunately all three of us love biking, running, skiing and climbing.
My sister Kim’s family, which includes a 2 year old Cock-a-Poo called Pickle, are a little less deranged than us and don’t feel the need to run 5km before breakfast. When we all get together, however, energy levels ramp up. Finding somewhere comfortable, affordable and understanding of our desire to spend lots of time outside together exploring wild places is a tall order but when we learned several hostels in Scotland accepted dogs, we started planning.
For our family the Cairngorms is the perfect place for people with varying levels of energy and outdoor experience to come together and enjoy the outdoors and hostels are the perfect place to accommodate such groups. Usually set in accessible but beautiful locations throughout Scotland, hostels are a great launch pad to adventure from and an excellent place to return to tired, muddy, cold and wet to dry out and revive yourself around the fire ready for the next day.
It was our hope that by staying at Cairngorm Lodge near Aviemore, we would have enough space from each other to navigate the inevitable family tensions but be close enough to make meals, plan excursions and beat each other at cards in the evenings. Alice and I also secretly hoped that Pickle would teach Coire some basic sociabilities and that she might return home with slightly less obsessive compulsive tendencies.
We packed some bags with running and riding gear, books and whisky then bundled Coire into the small BOB trailer that’s now permanently hitched to my mountain bike. We rode up the Old Logging Way to reach the grand former shooting lodge turned hostel that sits at the foot of the ski road and were welcomed by a smiling hostel manager. The rest of the family arrived later that evening and over three rounds of Gin Rummy we made a plan for the weekend that would suit all three generations and two demented dogs.
The following morning, Alice and I rode our bikes with Coire in the trailer to Loch an Eilean where we changed into running gear and ran along the wooded singletrack by the waters edge to tire ourselves out. Later, the others joined us and the whole family went for a walk, pausing to allow Coire to witness Pickle’s swimming prowess. Coire then taught Pickle that bike trailers are not things to be feared and Kim joined us on our two wheeled journey back to the hostel. At the foot of the Large Grhu, we unhitched the dogs and took a brief detour to ride some of the best singletrack in the National Park. One of the first things we taught Coire was the command to “Stay Behind!” so that one day, when her little puppy joints have matured, we all might ride mountain bikes together long distances again. As far as we’re concerned, learning to stay behind a bike wheel is far more important than not eating our slippers.
The sun set majestically over the snow covered northern coire’s of the Cairngorms as we arrived back at the hostel. We toasted them with a dram before washing the dogs down and settling by the fire with guitars and the rest of the bottle.
The following morning started slowly after our enthusiasm of the previous day. The dogs seemed content enough to gnaw at each others ears while we poured over a map and plotted a bike route that would be manageable for an 8 and an 80 year old. We settled on a wee spin up to the Green Lochan (which Kim’s son declared as his favourite place in all the world) then dropped back through Glenmore Forest to Loch Morlich for a paddle about in the calm water. While Pickle swam confidently, Coire ran back and forth across the sand squeaking in despair at being left out but not despairing enough to follow us into the strange substance. Instead she found a muddy puddle and began her obsessive excavations of it.
Our final night involved more whisky, cards and singing while both dogs spent the evening fast asleep in front of the fire, twitching their paws and wuffing softly as they relived the days fun.
Alex the hostel manager could not have been more accommodating. He was always attentive and helpful but gave us lots of space to enjoy each others company. Alex’s old dog Luka also generously shared his space with our two high energy hounds despite Coire side swiping him at speed from time to time.
None of us wanted to leave Cairngorm Lodge (with the possible exception of Luka ). We won’t have the opportunity to get together as a family like that for a while now so we’ll hold the memories we made this weekend all the more fondly for that. Meanwhile, we’ll ride back home over the hill with Coire in tow and plan our next #WoofHostel adventure.
Thanks to Lee Craigie for writing this blog on her experience of Woofhostelling with Hostelling Scotland. Check out all of Hostelling Scotlands locations for your next adventure. Photo credit to James Robertson