Monday, 25 July 2016 15:31

MCofS to become "Mountaineering Scotland"

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The Mountaineering Council of Scotland (MCofS), the representative organisation for hillwalkers, climbers, mountaineers and ski-tourers who live in Scotland or enjoy Scottish mountains, has announced that it will rebrand as ‘Mountaineering Scotland’ following consultation with members.

mcos logo

Commenting on the change, Chief Executive Officer, David Gibson said: “The MCofS has represented the interests of its clubs and members since 1970. We are proud of our heritage and achievements, but we recognise that times are changing and tailoring our brand and communications to new audiences is essential.”

The ‘Council’ in the MCofS title originates from when it was formed as a body representing 16 mountaineering clubs. Since then it has grown considerably, to over 13,000 members and 140 affiliated clubs.

David continued: “Our reach and ambitions have understandably grown in the last half century. We value our current members greatly, but recognise that they represent a modest proportion of the many thousands who enjoy Scotland’s fantastic mountains, and who can benefit from our work safeguarding access, promoting mountain skills and safety, developing our sport and protecting the mountain landscape.

“In September 2015 we launched ClimbScotland, an innovative brand which is succeeding by inspiring more young people to climb, enjoy the sport, and learn how to develop their skills. We’ve learned from our experience with ClimbScotland that a simple and progressive brand can enable us to communicate our key message that mountaineering activities – hillwalking and climbing – and our membership offer are accessible to all.

“Whilst we will retain the registered company name Mountaineering Council of Scotland, Mountaineering Scotland will be our future trading name, complementing ClimbScotland, which is our brand for young people, and we will introduce this progressively in the coming months.”

The British Mountaineering Council (BMC), the representative organisation for mountaineers in England and Wales, has also just announced a change of name to Climb Britain.

David said: “It is important for every organisation to anticipate trends and changes in consumer behaviour. We work in partnership with the BMC on a range of activities and this work will expand further if competition climbing is confirmed as an Olympic sport in the next month. We welcome the fact that the BMC has made clear that Climb Britain covers their existing territory of England and Wales and that there is no change in their remit.”