Monday, 26 August 2024 09:31

Kamui self inflating sleeping mat reviewed

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Sleeping mats have become one of the most essential pieces of outdoor kit over the last 30 years.

There was a transition form roll out pads or mats to the, now almost universal, "self inflating" mat that can easily cost more than £100 a go. From a single mat back in the 80's we've moved to a world where sleeping mats come in event shape and size, from rectangles to mummy shapes and heavyweight to lightweight, with an equally packed range of mats with different degrees of inbuilt insulation, measured by an R Value. In a change from our emphasis on the higher end market dominated by the likes of ThermaaRest and Exped we've had a look at what you can get for £35 these days with the Kamui self inflating mat.

What Kamui say:

The weight-to-thickness ratio (3.5lb-2inch) makes this sleeping pad suitable for car and family camping.

2-inch (5.08 cm) thick high rebound foam provides superior back support and insulates against the cold ground. Its estimated R-value is 5.7 that allows you to feel more comfortable rather than using a sleeping bag solely.

You may connect multiple air pads horizontally and vertically (stack up). You can connect self-inflating sleeping pads horizontally to provide more comfort for a family, couples, and group camping stay.

Our highly experienced engineers refined the design for maximum comfort while keeping it simple and functional. It took us a lot of effort and time to craft and compare various sleeping pads to determine suitable thickness, size, weight, and features through a lot of iterations.

The sleeping pad includes high rebound foam and tough 190T polyester fabric, which provides long-term durability and stability. This sleeping pad includes 3 compression bands and 1 storage sack.

Kamui mat packed 


  • Thick and Comfortable
  • Self inflating
  • easily linked to another mat
  • Heavy duty
  • 192 x 65 x 4 cm

The Kamui self inflating mat on test:

The first, and probably most important, point to take into account when considering this mat is the target market; it's for car based, family, campers not lightweight backpackers. It's heavy, at 1.6kg, by today's standards and very bulky when packed. Bearing that in mind however, it's actually real value for money.

Forget the quoted 5.08cm thickness when inflated, its 4cm with as much air inside as its humanly possible to put in it. Without the necessary hot plates and electronic measureing kit we can't comment on the quoted R value of 5.7 but it does feel about right given the thickness and firmness of the foam inside. Where the Kamui self inflating mat does get noticed is in the "self inflating" description. We've given up believing in the term, because the reality is that pretty much every mat that's ever reached us fails miserably when it comes to really self inflating. The Kamui offering, however,actually does self inflate to a useable level! Open the valve, roll it out and leave it for three or four minutes and the mat will actually self-inflate.

Kamui mat inflated

Of course, it won't inflate to its absolute maximum but it inflates to a useable level and three of four good blows will take to maximum inflation. If you then undo the valve, which is the best way to store it when not in use, the mat will stay inflated; we left it with the valve open for 4 weeks after testing and sure enough it was still inflated enough to stand upright against the door!

Kamui mat standing 

Being aimed atthe family camping market the mat is designed to be connected to other mats, to make a double, with a line of press studs down either side. With only a single mat in for test we could only test how well they worked with the mat deflated, but they provide a good tight fit that should hold two mates together well.

Kamui mat studs 

Unlike many of the lightweight, backpacking, mats on the market the Kamui rolls up full width, which given the thickness of the mat and the face fabric, leads to a bulky package when rlled up into its bag. On the plus side, the 190T fabric should prove very durable.

Kamui mat with bag

 At the end of the day, the Kamui self inflating sleeping mat is exactly what it says in the name; it genyuinely self inflates to the point that it requires constant pressure to remove the air without it reinflating as you try to deflate it. It's comfortable, has a reasonable level of insulation and comes in at a very budget friendly price point. If the bulk and weight don't bother you then why spend more? 

Transparency Notice: Please note that MyOutdoors receives free products for reviews from brands and manufacturers, but we only accept products for review on condition of total independence and no guarantee of endorsement.